



About US

About usCompany History

NESBAKK AS is a family fishery company from Godøya outside of Ålesund on the West coast of Norway
The company operates the 45 meter longliner "Nesbakk"
NESBAKK AS is aiming to be a provider of high-quality long-lined fish from the best processing methods. We also focus on the natural environment and research in fishery by taking care of the resources.

NESBAKK AS is aiming to be a provider of high-quality long-lined fish from the best processing methods

Since the 15th century our forfathers have lived of fishing. We see ourselves as a link in the same chain. Our goal is still to take care of the fishing stock, our crew and the development of our equipment. When we have a good vessel, the right equipment and a skilled crew then we can meet these goals for ourselves and the next generations.

In 1974 the young cousins Leif Steinar Alnes and Arild Alnes had been fishermen for a few years on the family fishing boat. One day they decided to start by themselves and signed up for a year of school with fishing subjects and navigational certification.

After successfully finishing school in 1975 they bought a part of Hans Brungot's fishing boat "Høydølen" and started the partnership firm "PR Høydølen". The boat was 55 feet and equipped with traditional lining gear and gillnets.

Three years later, in 1979 the boat was too small so they bought the bigger 65 feet long "Skjongholm", equally equipped.
The fishing had been good and now Arild's brother Vidar Alnes also bought into the partnership and the name was changed to "PR Skjongholm".

In 1981 Hans Brungot retired and his son Aage Brungot took over his father's part. In 1985 the partnership decided to extend the business and bought the 27 meter long vessel "Nesbakk" also equally equipped. After buying Nesbakk they again changed the name of the partnership to "PR Alnes and Brungot".

Both business and fishing went well and ten years after the buying of the first Nesbakk it was again time to expand. This time they went abroad to find the right vessel. In 1995 in Canada they bought a 34 meter long fishing vessel equipped for longlining, a more advanced and commercial kind of lining. The vessel was also rigged for gillnets. They renamed it Nesbakk. The investment was great success and for four years the partnership increased in wealth. In 1997 the partnership "PR Alnes and Brungot" changed class to a private limited company and name to "Nesbakk AS".

In 1999 it was time to expand again and because of the great success from the fist longliner, they decied to build a new longliner themselves. Together with Rolls Royce and Nordvestconsult, they made the design focusing on safety, comfort and modern equipment and technology for the new "Nesbakk". This is the only vessel Nesbakk AS owns today and it is still one of Norway's most advanced and efficient longliners. This vessel is also rigged for gillnets.



Our Ship

OperationsSpecificationsMain EquipmentDeck Equipment

Nesbakk is built as a longlining and gillnet fishing vessel with equipment for processing, freezing and storing up to 400 tonnes of fish at sea. Operation are is mainly in the North Sea, the North Atlantic, the Barents Sea and around Svalbard.

Nesbakk can bait and haul up to 46000 hooks a day, spread on a 40 nautical mile long line. The entire gear takes 5 hours to bait and set in addition to 19 hours to haul.

A normal longlining operation requires a crew of 13 people, 2 navigators, 2 factory workers, 1 chef, 1 cook and 7 deckhands handling the gear. All crew is accommodated in single cabins.


Built at:
Søviknes Verft AS N-6280 Søvik, Norway

Yard No. : 126
Delivered: 1999
Designed by: Nordvestconsult AS Ålesund , Norway
Type of vessel: 45m Longlining Fishing Vessel

Main dimensions:
Length o.a. 44,85m
Length between p.p : 40,00m
Breadth mld.: 11,00m
Depth to main deck: 5,40m
Depth to shelter deck: 8,00m
Design craft: 5,20m

DNV 1A1, Fishing vessel Ice-C
Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD)

Speed at ballast condition: 13 knots
Gross Tonnage: 1175 t

Accommodation for 15 persons in single cabons
1 off hospital

Deadweight at 5,0 m draft: 525 t
Freezing hold capacity: 410 m3
Ice hold capactiy: 210 m3
Bait hold capacity: 90 m3
Fuel oil: 250 m3
Fresh water: 50 m3

Main engines
1 off Caterpillar 3512B, 1119 BkW, 1600 RPM
Reduction Gear/Propeller
1 off Scana Volda ACG 64/420, 1600/229 RPM
Propeller diameter: 2,5m
1 off side thruster, Brunvoll FU-37-LTF-1000, 132 kW
2 off generators, Caterpillar 3406, 320kW, 1000RPM, 440V/60Hz
1 off High Lift Flap rudder, 5 m3
Steering gear
2 off Ulstein Tennfjord SR-562

Line hauler
Ulstein Brattvaag, CM 12L
Anchor Winch
Ulstein Brattvaag, BWM 4185C-2DR
Ustein Brattvaag, 1,5t
Deck Cranes
1 off 2t-9m Abas KDE 20/83 Forw.
1 off 1,5 t-2,8m Abas KDE 20/82 Aft.

Services/Main Fish products

As a forward-looking company, we are interested in engaging in research of fishery and new equipment. Our vessel is available for research expeditions and also the testing of modern equipment. We are also open to customizing our vessel to different researches. 


We fish for Ling from April to September in the Western part of the North Sea. Fish gear is longlines.


We fish for Saithe from late January to April in the Western part of the North Sea and on the coast of Møre. Fishing gear is gill nets.


We fish cod from September to January around Bjørnøya in the Barentsea. The fishing gear is longlines


We fish for Haddock from September to January around Bjørnøya in the Barentsea. The fishing gear is longlines


Our modern fishing vessel always needs personnel that can take responsibility and show initiative as well as commitment. Nesbakk AS is taking recruitment seriously. We have many trainees, cadets and junior officers in our crew.
Trainees and cadets are recruited through FiskOK in Ålesund.

Vacancies on board

First Mate
The first mate's task is to handle the ship when the captain is off-watch, checking all systems and safety equipment. The first mate is also a few hours a day on deck assisting the fishermen where it is needed.

The chief's tasks is to maintain and monitor all the vessel's electrical and mechanical equipment. The chief keeps everything ship shape and up to date.

Head of factory
The head of factory tasks among working on deck is to supervise the quality of the fish, keep the factory clean and manage storing.

On our vessel the fishermen either works in the factory- processing, freezing and storing the fish, or on the deck - hauling, repairing and setting gear.

The chef's task is to prepare four meals a day. The chef has the responsibility of all provisions as well as taking care of the cleaning of the common areas.






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